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LexMACS Club

We aim to learn and discuss advanced applications of computer science on mathematics, such as data analysis, experimental physics simulation, and mathematical modeling. Furthermore, we will participate in many competitions like USACO, CTFs, and Hackathons. We even host our own competition, Lexington Informatics Tournament.

We meet twice a month on Tuesdays (3:30 - 4:30) in room 164. Come join us if you go to LHS! Click here to join our Discord Server. You don't need to be an expert programmer, but programming experience is recommended, such as knowledge of loops, functions, and arrays.

AI & Optimization

One of the major topics we focus on is the mathematics behinds Artificial Intelligence. We discuss the myriads of ML algorithms such as Genetic Algorithm, Simulated Annealing, and Neural Networks. We have occassional friendly competitions within the club where everyone have the opportunity to apply their knowledge and implement a fully-functional ML algorithm.

Furthermore, we attend AI/Optimization contests, like CMIMC, with great achievements in many.

Competitive Programming

Competitive programming is a fun intellectual sport where coders design algorithms to run under a time limit to solve problems. Advanced CS problems often involve concepts such as graph theory and dynamic programming.

Our club also has occasional USACO and Codeforces practices and lectures about programming topics. We plan to attend in-person competitions such as ABCC at Acton Boxborough High School.

Lexington Informatics Tournament

We also have our own competitive programming contest, Lexington Informatics Tournament (LIT)! We host it once every year (although we do have plans of hosting even more contests). The competition lasts 3 hours, and teams of 1-3 can work to solve the tasks together. More than 1000+ participants attended last year!

Come join us and you can help us host LIT. Contribute by writing and testing problems, advertising, or simply giving us your ideas.